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Myers’ Cocktail Benefits: New Outlook in Boosting Immune

Dave Rush • March 5, 2021

Since its conception, there have been a lot of iterations of John Myers’ famous cocktail. Initially, Myers’ Cocktail was invented to treat asthma, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and migraines. Even with different combinations, as long as it has the essential components, such as vitamin B-complex,  vitamin C, and magnesium, it retains all of its health benefits. 

The advantage of taking a Myers’ Cocktail is that it is delivered intravenously. It goes directly into your bloodstream and is absorbed by your cells. You feel the benefits much faster, and the efficacy is much higher than ingested nutrients.

What are the Myers’ cocktail benefits?

The individual ingredients of the Myers’ cocktail have different health benefits. And yet blending them into one decoction brings a boatload of benefits for your body. Below you’ll find all the amazing benefits you can look forward to with this cocktail.

1. Improves immune system to prevent diseases 

Studies proved that boosting your immune system is vital. It is the best way to prevent diseases from gaining a foothold in your body. Often neglected by the masses, it has drastically changed because of the current pandemic. Since then, it has become customary for most to focus on strengthening their immune system, making it a necessity rather than a luxury. The three essential components of the Myers cocktail infusion are all about boosting your immunity. 

Vitamin C, the primary antioxidant in the cocktail, prevents damage to your cells and fights off free radicals. It has become one of the most ubiquitous vitamins taken during the pandemic. At the same time, Magnesium plays a role in the formation of antibodies, as it affects the level of immunoglobulins in the body. Immunoglobulin serves as the primary response to foreign bodies. And lastly, Vitamin B6 provides aid in warding off infections and boosting brain development and cognition.

2. Improves memory performance

Your genes might play a specific role in keeping your memory sharp, but so do your daily choices. Yet, it might be challenging to live your life following a steady, healthy diet, regular exercise, and not smoking. 

Providing your body with vitamins and minerals via the
iv vitamin therapy Myers cocktail will help you with this process. Doing this means directly delivering nutrients into your bloodstream, so it’s absorbed by your cells faster. Boosting your body with vitamin B complex, C and Magnesium would reduce the chances of having poor memory recall and cognitive function. 

But nothing can stop you from aging. Aging leads to the death of neurons, and the death of neurons leads to memory loss. There is no way for you to stop it unless you find the fountain of youth. But you can do something to slow down the aging process through regular doses of vitamin B complex, high dose vitamin C and Magnesium.

3. Improves blood circulation & cardiovascular system 

Two of the main oxygenation factors are mixed in the Myers’ cocktail. because it contains Vitamins B12 and C. Vitamin B12 plays a significant role in Red Blood Cell (RBC) production. This infusion also allows vitamin C to aid in the absorption of iron to attract oxygen. 

The combination of Vitamin B12 and C is perfect to reduce the risks of high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. Both nutrients work well together to improve your overall cardiovascular health. Keeping your blood healthy with an adequate amount of iron and RBCs keeps your oxygen at an optimal level. 

Having a “cocktail” that has health benefits for your heart is no longer a dream.
Myers cocktail iv therapy provides you with a healthy dose of nutrients that are essential in building a healthy and robust cardiovascular system.

Ask about IV hydration near you

If you’re interested and would like to learn more about how you can benefit more from Myers’ Cocktail IV treatment, please contact your local IV professional.

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